Adolescent Relationships with Parents and Peers
The evidence of the changes in peer and parent-child relationships during early adolescence suggests that early adolescence is a critical period of transformation in children's relationships. Early adolescents may orient toward peers while distancing themselves from their parents because their peer relationships fit some of their developmental needs better than their relationships with their parents. The waxing of peer orientation and the waning of …show more content…
In other words, the ways in which young people move around in friendships are affected by aspects within the parent-child relationship. There is the idea that variables from various levels of adolescent growth are dynamically interactive--they are reciprocally influential over the course of the adolescents’ development.
Kerr’s article continues with the thought that the diverse interactions a child has with his or her parents and how the child influences the parents are possible. The child is thereby shaping a source of his or her own development. In this sense, children are producers of their own development and the presence of such child effects constitutes the basis of bidirectional relations between parents and children. Of course, this bidirectional relation continues when the child is an adolescent and an adult. And corresponding relations exist between the person and siblings, friends, teachers, and indeed all other significant people in his or her life.
There is diversity in these child-social context relations. As a consequence of their characteristics of individuality, children elicit differential reactions in their parents, and these reactions provide the basis of feedback to the child, that is, there is return stimulation which influences his or her further individual development. The writers point out that adolescents are producers of their own development and that people's