Agile Project
LITERATURE REVIEW 1.0 Introduction
The literature reviews the various literatures that underline the study of training and development in firms both in the public and private sector and its effect on performance. In this chapter, I discussed the literature on agile project management and its benefits and challenges by considering definitions and theories of agile project management, principles and empirical literature.
2.1 Project management and agile project management defined
2.1.1 Project management
According to Kerzner (2009, 10th ed.) project management is the planning, directing and controlling of company resources for a relatively short-term objective that has been established to complete specific goals and …show more content…
Agile project management is lightweight, flexible, collaborative, and adaptable to frequent change, yet highly disciplined. The life cycle of agile project management is shown in the diagram below. Garger et al (2008, pp.4-11) added that agile management differ to traditional project management in the approach; agile project promotes self- managed teams with the project manager taking more of leaders role rather than a manager role. The main priority of an agile project manager are to gather all the information from stakeholders and integrate a plan, advise the team of estimates, make decision, build and sustain a team’s culture and ensure team stick to the process, customer relationship, check progress and plans and to communicate the team progress.
Agile project management life cycle (sheuly, 2013)
From the diagram, agile project management life cycle begins with stakeholders determining what features are possible candidate for inclusion in the product. Product owner leverage input to write epics which are large user stories that require to be broken down into smaller piece of work. Once an epic is broken down into stories, the stories are prioritized and maintained in a backlog.
According to Highsmith (2004) agile project management framework consists of five phases, each with supporting practices. The five phases are envisioned, speculate, explore, adapt and