Apol 104 Secular Humanisn and Christianity

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Secular Humanism and Christianity

I. Part One: Secular Humanism

1. The Question of Origin A humanist rejects any existence and or thought of God and is believed that modern science can answer the question of how life began. “Atheists…propose the idea that God is not necessary for life or morals, and the answer to mankind’s existence is found only in nature itself” (Weider & Gutierrez. 2011, p56). They believe that the entire universe as well as life is simply by coincidence and that lucky for us, nonliving matter turned to living cells which eventually led to humankind; also known as Darwin’s theory.

2. The Question of Identity Humanists are always seeking primary truth through experiment and observation. They also
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God created us in His likeness with the intentions of us to rule and take care of all his creation, including animals (Genesis 1:26). If mankind was at one point an animal, how could we go about such instruction or know to take care of the environment? It’s just very hard to believe that non-living matter could create such intelligence and or just the human body in general and give animals the lack of intellect.

3. The Question of Meaning/Purpose If life had no meaning or purpose, then the question of “why am I alive?” would be a concern for many. Unlike humanist, Christians believe the reason for existence, is so we can serve, love and have an intimate relationship with God. It’s through his Word, the Bible, where we too can learn about the amazing life of Jesus and His plans for us and then in return share the Gospel with everyone and anyone who want to hear (Matthew 28:19).

4. The Question of Morality The greatest gift believers of Christ have is accepting the truth that we were all born into sin and cannot save ourselves from sin without accepting Christ into our life. When determining the difference between right and wrong we hold ourselves accountable to God’s standards (Proverbs 3:6). Unlike a humanist, they hold themselves accountable to their own standards.

5. The Question of Destiny For humanist to believe that death means total annihilation is frankly depressing. It still boggles me
