Attitude Formation

1354 words 6 pages
Attitude Formation
Lawanda Thomas
Walden University

Attitude Formation
The field of social psychology focuses on understanding the behavior of an individual and seeks to include the aspects of external and internal influences that impact behavior. Not only is ones behavior impacted by emotions, behavior is also impacted by how an individual perceives a situation and acceptance to engage in that situation (Fiske, 2010). Hogg and Cooper (2007) argue social psychologists note individuals view the world and its interactions during the attitude judgment process. This judgmental process determines a situation to be positive or negative, favorable or unfavorable, and engage or avoid which then forms an attitude that determines the
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The idea was attitudes were based on the belief of the expectancy of the outcomes of the event similar to how the evaluation process is done during developing the probability (Hogg & Cooper, 2007). In addition, theorist has explored attitude formation occurring during the cognitive persuasion process. During this process an individual’s attitude can be formed by how information is being received and generated and personal cognitive involvement towards the information (Fiske, 2010; Hogg & Cooper, 2007). To explore this further the use of the cognitive-response model by Anthony Greenwald in 1981 was implemented and it results showed individuals active cognition reactions plays a role in processing information towards attitude formation (Fiske, 2010; Hogg & Cooper, 2007).
The next approach towards understanding attitude formation was exploring it from an affect aspect. During this approach attitude formation is generated by the emotional response to an outcome of an event (Fiske, 2010; Hogg & Cooper, 2007). For an example, an individual develops either a positive or negative attitude towards an event due to the emotions and feelings developed towards that event. To argue attitudes formation occurs from an affect process, researchers looked at its formation from an operant and classical conditioning. From an operant conditioning


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