Bandon Group, Integrated case study

1226 words 5 pages
Integrated Case Study: Bandon Group, Inc.
(Determining Feasibility of an ERP System and Supplier Recommendation and Evaluation)

Submitted to:
Professor Stephen Huber
Enterprise Resource Planning (CIS511)

Strayer University, Takoma Park Campus
August, 2014

This paper is the continuation of Bandon Group Inc. integrated case study. This part of the case study mines feasibility of an ERP system at Bandon Group and evaluate alternative ERP and CRM packages for Bandon Group and make recommendations for a solution which will meet their needs.
Step 8: Determining the feasibility of an ERP system
From the description of the executive managers of the divisions, it is pretty clear that Bandon Group has
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These workloads need to be available to end users, end customers, and business partners. To achieve that goal, they are typically supported by a combination of hardware characteristics, such as built-in reliability and scalability features, and software characteristics, such as system management and support for high availability. In light of this, my recommendation of ERP and CRM packages for Bandon Group would be implementing Microsoft Dynamics CRM. The Microsfot Dynamics ERP and CRM is designed to help any organization acquire and retain customers (Microsoft, n. d). The software enables to perform and automate common business tasks including:

Easily access information about business records from one place.
Schedule activities, track them, and send e-mail.
Generate reports.
Manage marketing lists.
Track advertising and marketing campaigns.
Sort customer responses to sales and marketing initiatives.
Keep detailed notes and an activity history for each business record.
Microsoft Dynamics CRM also can run from within Microsoft Office Outlook.
On top of the other benefits and functionalities mentioned above, Rhodus and Paris (2013) said that Microsoft CRM and ERP helps the company in integration by creating one view of customer experience, building stronger relationship and creating customer intimacy, improving management visibility, provide
