Bio156 Lab 5

972 words 4 pages
Define the following terms:

Cellular respiration (aerobic respiration) (2 points)

Cellular respiration is the process by which cells get their energy in the form of ATP. There are two types of cellular respiration, aerobic and anaerobic. Aerobic respiration is more efficient and can be used in the presence of oxygen. Aerobic respiration, or cell respiration using oxygen, uses the end product of glycolysis in the TCA cycle to produce more energy currency in the form of ATP than can be obtained from an anaerobic pathway.

Fermentation (anaerobic respiration) (2 points)

Fermentation is a metabolic process converting sugar to acids, gases or alcohol. It occurs in yeast and bacteria, but also in oxygen-starved human muscle
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Why was phenol red used as an indicator of cellular respiration? (5 points)

The solution contains a pH indicator which helps in monitoring of the pH changes in the cell culture. It will change from red to yellow color when the pH value decreases.

How did exercise affect the rate of cellular respiration? (Hint: Review the time it took for the solution to change with and without exercise). (5 points)

Cellular respiration is used to make energy and the more you exercise, you require more energy and for more energy you need more cellular respiration.

Review the results from the Cellular Respiration in Peas procedure of the lab (Part II) to answer the following questions.

What is the advantage of cellular respiration? (5 points)

The main advantage of the cellular respiration is that it sustains energy production much longer than glycolysis or fermentation.

Review the results from the Fermentation procedure of the lab (Part III) to answer the following questions.

The balloons were sealed in this procedure. What is the name for the energy conversion process that occurs in the absence of oxygen? (2 points)


What is the advantage of this process? (2 points)

The main advantage of this process is that it helps in making bread, beer, and wine. In these three products the same microorganism is used: the common yeast or Saccharomyces Cerevisae.

What type of gas is produced by yeast under anaerobic
