CIPD Assignment Supporting Change Within Organisations

1569 words 7 pages
Table of Contents

Welcome and Introduction 1
Impact of Change 2
Need for Change 3-4
Change Impacting the business 5
Main Factors 6
Compare and Contrast 7
Behavioural Responses 8
HR Support 9

Welcome and Introduction

It was once said that the only constant is change which is true. This change can be a major change or a subtle one, either way change is still constant.
The need for change can either be a voluntary or prompted by the organisation, these are also known as internal and external drivers. With internal the decision and outcome lies with the company however when it comes to external drivers these are out with the company’s control and they have no say over it.

Impact of change

The impact of change
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Ensuring that before the change process begin there is enough resources to deliver. This can be down to current premises might be too small, training might be required on a new IT system or existing employees might need re-training. Training will not only help with mobilisation but it will also help employees feel motivated and feel valued by the company.


Change is viewed in many different ways and over the years there have been different models and theories on how it is best handled. Developed by Bullock and Batten in 1985 they provided a framework on how each phase should be tackled. Their three main phases are:
Exploration Phase
Planning Phase
Action Phase
When V.Group began their re-structure they followed these phases quite similarly. They initially reviewed and verified what change was needed, who it would affect and what exactly would be involved. In this step the V.Group executive board initially sat down and discussed at length why this change was needed and would it benefit the company long term. Once this was then agreed, they then agreed what actions would be needed and subsequently their consequences too. With this phase it was decided over the course of several month that key members of senior management would hold planning meetings to discuss various issues or present different ideas with a view of presenting this to the executive board once complete. Finally for the action phase, local meetings


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