Child and Youth Adhd Analysis
2261 words
10 pages
CHYS 1F90 Midterm AssignmentOctober 2012
Title Page
Name: Crooks Emily
Student Number: 5308796
Seminar Number: 38
Seminar Leader’s Name: Mary Spring
Section A | Markers: record grade for Section A Essay. Section A is marked out of 20 | Section A | | Section BStudents: circle the 3 you answered in Section B | Markers: record grade for each question answered. Each of the 3 Section B answers is marked out of 10 | Q1 | | Q2 | | Q3 | | Q4 | |
Total grade for Midterm Assignment: ________ /50
Throughout this paper I’ll explore George and Simon’s development through various theoretical lenses. George and Simon are both 8-years old and are unrelated children who have been diagnosed …show more content…
Having little parental involvement along with the financial state of his family may pose as negative consequences. In addition, Simon receives very little support or accommodations at school. All of these factors may be considered consequences later, hence likely producing a probable difference in Simon and George’s developmental trajectories. Based on the early experiences the boys are exposed throughout their development will result in later consequences thus contributing to the prevalence of their ADHD (McNamara Sept 12, foundation of development).
George and Simon’s development can also be explored through Bronfenbrenner’s theoretical lens. Using the ecological developmental model I’ll illustrate both the protective factors and the risk factors that may impact the boys development. The ecological model describes much theory and research on the processes and conditions that influence the lifelong path of human development in the actual environments in which human beings live (CHYS reading package, ch.5, ecological model of human development pp 37). In this Model, there are a series of nested systems. The first one is a microsystem. A microsystem is where a developing person experiences patterns of activities, social roles and interpersonal relations in a face-to-face setting, for example, family, peer groups, or school. For George, these relationships are likely protective factors,