City of God Analysis
They were simply no competition for the gang. Even if the scene was completely silent and Lil Ze weren’t talking trash any on looker could understand why the police cowardly ran away.
The angles that added value were the 180 degree which transitioned into a 360 degree angle shot as it captured Rocket standing in the middle of the street between the two groups looking like a plucked chicken. It was interesting to see how the shots moved fast and then froze, giving us an idea of what was in Rocket’s mind. He was trying to determine which way he should run and as he checked out his surroundings for some idea. The shots then spiraled around him, warping him back to his childhood as if it he was being transported out of harm’s way.
The filmmakers did a great job at sticking to the principles of film form and ensuring that all elements of the film were related. Each scene supported the other in some way to become what I consider a gangster movie with a twist.
Some elements of the movie were multifunctional for example the brats served as a nuisance to Lil Ze as they wrecked havoc in the city to his disliking. He later used them to retaliate against Carrot when the chips were down. To his dismay they were also his assassins as they killed him the same way that he killed Rocket’s brother.
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