Commercial Liens - a Potent Weapon
32369 words
130 pages
|Edited by Build Freedom staff |
|[with acknowledgments and credit to Alfred Adask (Publisher of AntiShyster magazine), Richard Boalbey, David |
|DeReimer, and the various lien authors, for providing some of the content] |
|(Applicable To The U.S.A.; Adaptable For Some Other Countries) |
|Common Law Copyright, 1995 by Build Freedom Holdings |
|All Rights Reserved. | …show more content…
To beat them, you must be able to scare them. You must be able to make them respect you, and that means you must be able to take the offense — attack them personally.
Unfortunately, judges, lawyers, and other government officials enjoy various levels of personal immunity provided by both law and "professional courtesy." How do you sue a lawyer for malpractice? You hire another lawyer — if you can find one who’ll take the case. How do you sue an IRS agent for violating your Constitutional rights? Only with great difficulty. How you sue a judge for railroading you in court? You don’t.
As a practical matter, private citizens can’t sue the President of the United States, a Governor, judge, or even an IRS agent for failing to obey or enforce the laws. If we try to sue in court to compel our government officials to obey the law and perform their lawful duties, the judges routinely ignore our petitions and laugh us out of court.
Because legal and de facto immunities shield government personnel from being sued for committing crimes against the People, the public is legally disarmed, unable to aggressively sue the government or its agents and compel them to obey the Law. As a result, the public’s legal posture is fundamentally defensive: we try to duck, dodge, and hide in legal loopholes to defend ourselves against the government and the courts. We try to escape, evade, and avoid, but we seldom counter-attack against our antagonists,