Concert Critique
(10 points possible) Does not describe the performers or their background at all. 0 Does not describe the music that was performed at all. 0 Gives no objective critique. 0 Includes no personal opinions or preferences. 0 Ends the critique with no concluding statements. 0 Grammar has obvious glaring errors and/or an inappropriately casual tone. 0 Total points (out of 100) __ Gives only vague description of performers with little or no background. 10 Includes a partial list of the music, or only gives titles with no description. 10 Gives little objective critique and doesn’t back up opinions. 10 Includes only vague comments about whether or not the writer likes the music. 10 Ends the critique with only a brief concluding sentence. 4 Student used proper grammar, overall, but did not proofread and included many errors. 4 Lists performers’ names and gives some experience and background. Gives a complete description of the performers and their backgrounds.
Describes the music that was performed using music terms. (10 points possible)
Critiques the performance and gives reasonable explanation. (10 points possible) Gives personal opinions/preferences. (10 points possible)
Concludes with appropriate comments. (5 points possible)
16 Lists the music and gives some description of it that uses musical terms. 16 Gives reasonable critique and states musical reasons for opinions. 16 Describes their favorite and least favorite moments in the concert and states why. 16