Cultural Immersion Project
Betty Finney
My cultural immersion focus is on the religious war in Nigeria. One of the interesting things I found in my research was that, in Nigeria the Christian faith and the Muslim faith represents the greatest percentage of religions. I also learned that the Christians and Muslims pray every day several times a day. With that being said, I wondered if they believed in a higher entity prayed every day, who they are praying to? And what is their belief system based on? (question 1) Since their Christian faith seems to be divided into Catholic, Protestant or some other, I decided to attend a typical Catholic Church service and a Friday mid-day Muslim prayer service. Maybe I should not have used the …show more content…
I couldn’t stay for that. The Friday Mid-day Muslim Prayer service lasted and hour and a half and I couldn’t devote another hour and a half to the lesson of the day. Because I was there as a guest and observer, I was permitted to leave. (question 2) On this question, I had to refer back to my research. According to (Adogame, 2010), he stated, “While Nigeria’s Christian population is large, they declare they pray every day. With that said, in the Catholic Church service, I was expecting to experience just that. I was expecting to experience a spirit lead service, but what I experienced was a service of rituals and formalities. It was torture for me. Not because it was something new to me, but because it didn’t feel like a true heart felt sincere service; it seemed almost staged. One of the things I noticed in the church was a board on the wall that had the songs sung during the service. This is fine I guess; it just doesn’t leave any room for the Holy Spirit to take over. I would have understood if the songs were congregational hymns, but that wasn’t the case. I looked up the word ritual in the dictionary and it is defined as the prescribed order of a religious ceremony. And that’s what the Catholic service felt like to me. The Muslim service was totally different in various ways. First, I was all covered up and shoeless. Second, the men and women did not pray together; they were