Cultural Studies 1st Exam
First Examination
Due September 28th by Midnight
Name ___________________________________________________________
Part One: Identifications (Write the correct terminology or name in the space provided by each statement. Some terms may not be used.
Anthropology Human Race Orthopraxy
Arbitrariness Informants Paralanguage
Christianity Language Phonology
Cultural Hybridization Language Family Pidgin
Culture Language Ideology Priests
Diachronic Langue Primatologists
Dogma Linguistic Competence Revitalization
Enculturation Linguistic Performance Secularism
Fieldwork Monograph Shaman
Fundamentalist Multisited Fieldwork Sociolinguistics
Holistic New Religious Movement …show more content…
a. Postmodernism Anthropologists
b. Forensic Anthropologists
c. Evolutionary Anthropologists
d. Physical Anthropologists
___3. The Anthropologist whose main focus was on customs and practices characteristics of tribal people in the Western Hemisphere.
a. Margaret Mead
b. Noam Chomsky
c. Ferdinand de Saussure
d. Sir William Jones
___4. The Anthropologists responsible for the terminology “Animism”.
a. Judith Nagata
b. E. B. Taylor
c. John Gumperz
d. Charles Darwin
___5. The Anthropologists credited for contributing to the birth of modern linguistics and linguistic anthropology.
a. Frank Boas
b. Sir William Jones
c. Mikhail Bakhtin
d. Benjamin Whorf
___6. Which ideology best expresses the mixing and reconfiguring of elements from different cultural traditions into a nation-state.
a. Ethnocentrism
b. Paralanguage
c. Cultural hybridization
d. Cultural Pluralism
___7. This writer focused on cultures with different beliefs and customs other than Western Beliefs as being savages and barbarians:
a. Thomas Hobbes
b. Noam Chomsky
c. Victor Turner
d. Dell Hymes
___8. The Anthropologist who argued that Nation-states are “imagined communities,” most of whose members never see one another face to face but who nonetheless experience a sense of