Descriptive Framework
The virtual organization that I selected for the Organizational Communication Analysis is Kelsey Elementary School. As a mother of a fifth grader, I am always interested in the communication efforts associated with elementary schools. In the past, school administrators and teachers were only able to communicate in person, through written correspondence, or by telephone. The technological advancements of the 21st century provide school faculty with the opportunity to connect with others using a plethora of communication methods, but the first step to conducting an Organizational Communication Analysis is to develop a framework that provides a clear description of the school.
Kelsey Elementary School According to …show more content…
The teaching experience of faculty members varies from very little to extensive therefore; tension could erupt because of differences in teaching styles, the generational gap or because of pure ego. Ego conflict occurs when individuals become defensive about their positions because they think they are being personally attacked. Ego conflicts are charged with emotion, and defensiveness in one individual often causes defensiveness in others (West & Turner, 2004).
Parental Communication
The initial method of communication used by the staff at Kelsey Elementary to communicate with parents and families is through a publication called the “The Family Handbook.” This book provides parents with information on attendance, discipline and conduct, dress code, report cards, school arrival and dismissal, technology, transportation, safety drills, and many other topics. Routine communication for parents is done through e-mail, home mailings, website postings, and text messaging. Formal communication is conducted through in person or telephonic conferences with parents.
Communications for Special Circumstances
Kelsey Elementary School’s webpage highlights some of the communication efforts made around legal, parental, personnel, school, and student issues. Many of the issues reported should be handled with caution. School and district administrators must take into account the city, state, and federal laws which can affect the lives of students, parents,