Disciple Making Plan
Disciple Making Plan
Submitted to LBTS Faculty & Students, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the completion of any course
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Brian J. Jones
March 8, 2015
Introduction 1
Vision 2
Values 4
Views 5
Vehicles 6
Verifiers 8
Conclusion 10
Bibliography 11
The mandate of the Body of Christ to make disciples has been established. The Church needs to embody in physical structuring and deeds what is necessary to make this happen. It is obvious we need to do whatever it takes to make that a reality. Therefore, we must put together a plan – a disciple making plan that …show more content…
It is possible it just is something I am not aware of it because of my being with the church for only a short time period. It is hoped that is the case. Mel Lawrenz writes about the church that may have fragmented from transition of leaders, the plans or lack thereof, and or the philosophies within a church. Two important components for the church’s success are having cohesion and momentum.2 Thus far from what I can observe, this church is working hard to enhance and uphold these factors. I look forward to seeing the plan and its full execution.
The church has been alerted to the heart of the pastor to be a church in unity. He knows with the ethnic diversity and having the different pastors and those in leadership roles can seem to portray a wide variety of approaches and ideas in fulfilling the call to make disciples. Nevertheless, he is calling for unity to be not only the heartbeat with the church but also be demonstrated so that those that come once will experience this deeper than just what may be perceived. Psalms 133:1 (KJV) says, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” Our pastor wants the differences in us each to be the means to which gives us individual and collective access to those that join us in study, in fellowship, and ultimately in worship. Of course, this is all possible by remembering the importance of God’s peace to heal and overcome any