Effects of Illegal Immigration
citizens. Not only is this abuse of the 14th amendment, this is more incentive for an illegal immigrant to come to the United States to hide out and wait until they are sponsored and can apply for citizenship. The 14th amendment was designed to help African Americans with reforms after the Civil War by providing citizenship to black people born in the United States. The United States did not face the immigration issues that we experience today so there were never any stipulations added to this amendment to address them. Cleary, there is a misinterpretation of a law which needs to be amended. Allowing this piggyback behavior will cause more illegal immigrants to take their chances by coming to the United States. The United States government should step in and say that if a child is born to parents whom are illegal immigrants, the child will then be considered as such. How can illegal behavior end in such positive results?
Never in U.S. history have we seen the amount of immigration which we are currently dealing with. Because of this, our country is being forced to deal with an issue that many have turned their heads and denied. The estimated 4 to 8 million illegal immigrants in the United States are from Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean and often come from lower socioeconomic