English Oral Communication

2222 words 9 pages
You are the president of the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) at an urban school. At the last association meeting, many parents expressed their concern about the poor performance of their children, particularly in Mathematics, science and the English language. They felt that the school should work harder towards improving the teaching and learning of these subject. The PTA could assist but the association does not have enough funds (money) to carry out its projects for the school. you wish to speak about this problem and suggest some solutions at the forthcoming meeting.

(a)Which of the following speech types will best describe your speech: informative, Persuasive, negotiation, or argumentative speech? Give reason for your answer.
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So we plan to have a series of fund raising activities to get funding for the above proposed solutions. We hope all the parents will support the upcoming activities. In the following section, we will continue to talk more about the tuition classes, extracurricular activities, and the fundraising activities.

Now. let’s talk about tuition classes. According to [title] (http://www.bt.com.bn/en/home_news/2007/12/07/varied_reactions_on_benefits_of_tuition_classes)
There are simply too many concepts to learn in subjects like physics and biology, therefore, tuition classes is a great way to review each concept without worrying about holding the more advanced classmates behind.

I feel that my children will benefit more in tuition classes through the extra attention given compared their normal classes where the teacher's attention are divided amongst 20-30 students," he remarked.

Echoing this thought, Hj Hamidah, a civil servant, said that by sending her children to tuition classes, she was helping them filling their time with productive after-school activities, instead of just watching television and playing computer games.

She explained that tuition classes should not hold more than ten students to ensure that teachers can monitor their students better. This helps us identify each student's weaknesses which we can help improve."

Tuition classes are increasingly becoming


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