HOSP 590 - Week 1 Assignmnent

1012 words 5 pages
Part C, Page 28
Design and write a description for the following event, incorporating the six critical dimensions of an event experience including anticipation, arrival, atmosphere, appetite, activity, and the amenities. A pharmaceutical company exhibiting at a medical convention trade show in your city wants to host an off-site evening hospitality reception for 200 of its best customers, featuring a theme that celebrates the local culture.
Below you will find a description of an off-site evening hospitality reception for 200 of the pharmaceutical company’s best customers. In order to have a plan well developed, it is important to incorporate the six critical dimensions of an event experience. Of course, the very first step would be
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We will also have set souvenirs for all our guests. We will also have flyers with information on or newest product in the line on the tables (creative advertising). We will be taking this opportunity to assist the pharmaceutical representatives in the promotion of our newest products (very lightly). We will have a stage with a jazz band playing during the reception. We would also have waiters and waitresses providing our guests with water, drinks and hors d’oeuvres. Waiters and waitresses may also help to direct our guests to the available restrooms. APPETITE
Refreshments, wine and hors d’oeuvres will be available as our guest arrive. Our guests would have already notes their dinner meal preferences when the RSVP’d. We will also plan to set up a station/island with a nice ice sculpture surrounded with a variety of fruit pieces for our guests to choose from while we prepare for dinner.

We will have a discrete booth with information on our newest products and have a representative onsite to answer questions. Once all guests have checked in and have given them enough time to mingle, we will have our president do a welcome speech and thank our guests for attending and their support. We will make some acknowledgments and prepare to serve dinner.

By the end of dinner, we would note the centerpiece and ask all guests to check under their seats for the winning note that will identify the winner of the prize in the centerpiece. We
