
1536 words 7 pages
1.|What happened to the Plains Indian population between 1780 and 1870?Ø The population declined by half because of disease and as the Sioux pushed west, they defeated weaker opposition. Cheyenne warrior anguished, disease shifted balance of power |
2.|Explain the Indian wars on the Great Plains:Ø It marked its last resistance of its population devastated by disease and demoralized by the removal policy pursued by the government. Some tribes including the crow, Arikara, Pawnee and Shoshoni fought alongside US army against their own enemies, the Sioux. In 1877 the army issued an ultimatum come on to the reservation or be hunted down. |

3.|What was the purpose and outcome of educational opportunities that white reformers provided to
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It was unbeatable. |

Sitting Bull; Great Sioux leader of the second half of the nineteenth century. He was among those who refused to sign the two treaties of fort Laramie (1851 and 1868) Along with crazy horse, he led Indian forces at the battle of little big hor. He surrendered in 1881. In 1880 he joined the Ghost dance and was killed by Indian police as they tried to arrest him.

Treaty of Fort Laramie 1868; United state agreed to abandon the Bozeman Trail and guarantee Sioux control of the Black Hills. The treaty was vague and full of contradictions. The treaty was signed following a brief war with the Sioux on the northern plains.

Battle of Little Big Horn; Battle between Sioux warriors led by Crazy Horse and Sitting Bul and American cavalry led by George Armstrong Custer. When Custer charged into a Sioux encampment, he and his men were killed. The battle of little big horn was a major military victory for the Sioux but their success was short-lived.

Dawes Allotment Act; 1887 law that divided up reservations and allotted parcels of land to individual Indians as private property. In the end, the American government sold almost two thirds of Indian land to white settlers. The Dawes act dealt a crippling blow to the traditional tribal culture.

Geronimo; a respected shaman (medicine man) of the
