How Red Bull Maintain Their Stronghold

8085 words 33 pages
Contents0.0 Abstract 1.0 Introduction 2.0 History 3.0 Does Red Bull® Revitalise the Body and Mind? 3.1 What are the ingredients in Red Bull®? 3.2 Red Bull®’s adverse health effects 3.3 Has Red Bull® profited from controversy?

2 3 3-4 4-5 5 6 6-7 7 8 8 9 9 10 11-12 13 14 14 15-16 16-17 17 17 18 18-19 20 21-24 25

4.0 Red Bull® a non-descript market?
5.0 How is Red Bull Marketed? 5.1 Sponsorship 5.2 Advertising 5.3 Brand Image 5.4 Some of Red Bull’s extreme sports athletes and events in pictures 6.0 Revolutionary Marketing 7.0 Maintaining market share 8.0 Competition and Intellectual property 9.0 Discussion 9.1 Diversification of product range 9.2 Drinks for the “Health Conscious” consumer 9.3 New Marketing Ideas 9.4
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Red Bull® is best consumed:, • At times of increased mental and physical strain, • On long sleep-inducing motorways, • During intensive working days, • Prior to demanding athletic activities, • Before tests and exams, ( (a) [ca. 2009]).

Some consumers are easily convinced of Red Bull®’s effectiveness. Nicknames such as “liquid speed” and “liquid cocaine” along with peer pressure build hype around the product (Kumar, et al. 2004). American college student Kaytie Pickett illustrates this: “Maybe I think it works just because they say it works... I’m a slave to peer pressure” (Walker [ca. 2009]).

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Other consumers are more sceptical. Brandweek reported in 2008 that Red Bull® was one of the UK’s lowest ranked companies in a survey of perceived brand value (Brandweek 2008). Despite the odds, studies proved the drink’s effectiveness. One such study was on ten individual graduate students, five of which were given a placebo, the rest Red Bull®. Conducted before and several hours after consumption, the results proved conclusively that: ...the mixture of three key ingredients of Red Bull Energy Drink used in the study (caffeine, taurine, glucuronolactone) have positive effects upon human mental performance and mood (Seidl, et al. 2000). Whereas most products spell out exactly what they do, Red Bull® uses vague terms,
