Human Trafficking Annotated Bibliography

872 words 4 pages
Human trafficking
An annotated bibliography
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Anti-Slavery International Anti-Slavery International's Trafficking Programme comprises three elements: campaigning to end human trafficking, lobbying for victim protection, and research on measures governments take to protect victims of trafficking, especially those who act as witnesses. The web site provides information about both current and historical slavery operations.
The UN Global Programme Against Trafficking in Human Beings <>
The Global Programme against Trafficking in Human Beings (GPAT) assists Member States in their efforts to combat trafficking in human beings. It
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This guide has been published in 4 languages (English, French, Italian and Spanish) and can help raise awareness about the issue of trafficking with religious congregations, church groups, and networks of NGOs who collaborate with religious orders. Some of the topics that the kit addresses are: What is trafficking? Who is trafficked? What are the causes and mechanisms of trafficking? How to engage in theological reflection about the issue. How to identify strategies for combating trafficking and How to run a workshop about this issue. To order a copy of the guide e-mail
21 May 2007 <>
The story of Evelyn Chumbow, a woman from Cameroon (the country of my origin )who Was Lured to the U.S. at age 11 with the promise of a good education and enslaved as a domestic servant.
Sojourners, “Amazing Grace: Christians and the Global Slave Trade” Discussion Guide, Sojourners <>
We are inspired by the story of those who struggled to end slavery in the 18th and 19th centuries, and by God’s deliverance of an entire people from slavery in the biblical book of Exodus. But how aware are we of the millions of people who live in slavery today—and what can we do to reach out to them? This study guide is
