1315 words 6 pages
NT 1210

May 23, 2013

In order to properly address the Infrastructure upgrade of the Kamazon Network our group decided that an appropriate ip address schema that will take into account the idea that people will be using more than just a desktop computer. They will have tablets, laptops, departmental printers, and smart phones. This is also based upon the understanding that every Department will have at least two printers for the staff and one for the Manager/Supervisor or VP of that Department. So with that being said, we estimated that could be at least three or more accurately four ip addresses per employee. So we multiplied the number of users per department by the number of estimated devices that each
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So now having completed these calculations we needed to start building our networks. How this was done was a method that our group agreed upon. You don’t have to use this method, and I am not implying in any way that this is the best way. You may use any method you wish, but we have found this method to be the fastest way to figure out how to address a network after applying CIDR. I mean what good are the equations and the borrowing of bits if you don’t know how to use it in a real network?
So how we began was to look at the bit that we borrowed and then move one digit to the left. In subnetting you should always move to the left as opposed to supernetting where you go to the right but that is another topic altogether. This value to the left of our bit represents a 2 (remember this 2) in binary so we take our original address 192.168.x.x, and because we changed the network bit to a host bit we can now use the third octet for our address range. So our first address is, and this is our first network ID. Now remember that 2? We can take that number ‘2’ and begin counting our network ID’s and they will ascend in value by 2, i.e.,,, and so forth see the table below.

Table 1
Network ID
1st Available Host
Last available Host
Broadcast Address
Network Hardware
W/S & Svc
