Industrial Revolution
Indeed the Industrial Revolution led to the policy of imperialism which resulted in some negative impacts. For example, having someone take what’s yours and claiming it as theirs would obviously result in a negative outcome. Some of the negative impacts weren’t just abroad, they were in the homefront as well. To support the factories and allow the machines to function the machines you would need many workers. The issue with women now being able to work was already covered but industrialists also brought children into the working place during this period in time. As seen in the picture in Document 1, there was a great demand for children as workers. Not only where they paid less than adults, they were able to do certain jobs that adults couldn’t do. For example, the picture shows what looks like a child pulling on a coal cart through what seems to be a small space. Adults weren’t able to do these tasks so children were called upon to complete these tasks. However, little consideration was shown to the welfare of these children. They were seen as mere tools for factory owners as shown by Document 5. The excerpt from a testimony before the Sadler Committee in 1832 shows how children had to work for sixteen hours and were only given one forty minute break for only one meal if they could afford it. Children became tired more quickly and the testimony shows that