Intoductory Awareness of Sensory Loss

1111 words 5 pages
Unit 4222-258 Introductory awareness of sensory loss (SS MU2.1)

Outcome 1
When people have any sensory loss, then their mobility and communication are greatly affected. This can lead to increased loneliness and even isolation in some cases.
People with any kind of sensory loss can have difficulties in finding employment. Even though the Equality Act and the Disability Discrimination Act mean that employers cannot discriminate, it is hard to convince an employer that a sensory loss does not necessarily mean that someone is unable to do a job. There are positives that can have an impact on individuals suffering from sensory loss. Your other senses can become more sensitive and perform better, for example your sense of smell or feeling
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Having a dual sensory loss compounds the frustration and isolation a person feels when trying to communicate effectively. One of the needs of people with a sensory impairment is to be able to obtain information. Whether it is written, spoken or signed information, it needs to be in an accessible format.
Outcome 3
The main causes of sensory loss are vision loss, hearing loss or both ( Deaf blindness )
Sensory loss may be congenital or acquired. For example, cataracts can form at any age, but they can also be present at birth (congenital cataracts). Congenital – present at birth. Acquired – anything that is not present at birth but develops some time later.
The percentage of the general population likely to have sensory loss is 45%.

Outcome 4
Sight loss - It is important that you are aware if someone you support is showing signs of developing sight loss. Some of the signs you may notice are as follows. Moving about cautiously, holding books or reading material close to the face or at arm’s length. Overcautious driving habits, finding lighting either too dim or too bright. Frequent eye glass prescription change or squinting or tilting the head to see. Difficulty in recognising people, changes in leisure activities, changes in personal appearance. Bumping into objects or appearing disoriented or confused.
Hearing loss - It is also important that you can identify if someone you are supporting is developing hearing loss. Some of
