Is3340 Final Exam

2313 words 10 pages
IS416 Securing Windows Platforms and Applications


1. Scope
This exam covers all Units and is based on the content from the textbook.

2. Answer Key

|Question Number |Correct Answer |Course Objective(s)|Reference |
| | |Tested | |
|1. |c |1.1 |Security Strategies in Windows Platforms and Applications, Pages 22–23 |
|2. |b |1.2 |Security Strategies in Windows Platforms and Applications, Page 27
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|a |5.3 |Security Strategies in Windows Platforms and Applications, Page 123 |
|24. |c |5.4 |Security Strategies in Windows Platforms and Applications, Page 142 |
|25. |a |5.5 |Security Strategies in Windows Platforms and Applications, Pages 142–143 |
|26. |c |6.1 |Security Strategies in Windows Platforms and Applications, Pages 163–164 |
|27. |b |6.2 |Security Strategies in Windows Platforms and Applications, Page 164 |
|28. |c |6.3 |Security Strategies in Windows Platforms and Applications, Page 164 |
|29. |a |6.4 |Security Strategies in Windows Platforms and Applications, Pages 174–175 |
|30. |b |6.5 |Security Strategies in Windows Platforms and Applications, Page 179 |
|31. |b |7.1 |Security Strategies in Windows Platforms and Applications, Page 192 |
|32. |c |7.2 |Security Strategies in Windows Platforms and Applications, Page
