Itm524 Mod1 Case

1917 words 8 pages
ITM524 - Fundamentals of Information Technology Management
Richard Patrone
Module 1 – Case
Introduction and Organizations as Socio-technical Systems
Trident University International (TUI)
Dr. Mary Lind
Spring 2013

The Case for this module centers on an organization implementing a new computer-based information processing system. Thousands of organizations go through the same kind of process every day—you yourself may have been involved in one or more such "technology transformations." Despite this body of experience; the advice of thousands of consultants, researchers, and computer gurus; and the leverage of multibillion-dollar corporations such as Microsoft, Google, and Oracle; a large proportion of these
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The simultaneous access to E-File has provided efficiencies, but the quality and extent of collaborative decision-making among users was still highly variable.

Staff did concede to the fact that after transitioning to the E-File system, time spent on accessing documents was significantly decreased; however, almost all staff said that the system generated more messages and documentation to process. All in all, four years after the rollout of E-File, the company was able to streamline their employee levels to one-third as many File Clerks, one-quarter as many Phone Control Clerks, and one-half as many Office Assistants and Stenographers. This may have caused some dissention within the ranks because the knowledge workers were no longer being used for solely for their knowledge skills due to the technology augmenting their tasks, such as typing their own reports instead of using stenographers, as was the case before the change. The workers did claim that, because of the transition and the subsequent cuts, they did find that the new way of doing business made their job “more meaningful and interesting”, and that typing their own memos allowed for shorter documentation enabling them to be more proactive, more responsive with clients and coworkers, and more efficient in not having to refresh their memory after a proof-reading
