John Hancock
It isn’t known how well John did in school, but for his future, that was set by his family heredity.Besides John’s good work in school, he also had fun, as many did in college. In late August of his sophomore year, two of his friends and him went to a local tavern. They began a drinking exhibition, but during this display, they got a black servant so drunk that they “endangered his life.” This act was not well accepted by theadministration and they were up for judgement. Punishment for this act could have been varied. A decision came andHancock, “for very much promoting the ........Affair”, was moved down in class rank four places. The other two were moved down seven places. Like most college students, there comes the day that they graduate. This day came for John Hancock. It was in July of 1754, when John and his fellow classmates received their bachelor’s degrees. That afternoon, he said farewell to his friends, all the memories, and set out with his aunt and uncle back home to Beacon Hill.After a few years of working under his uncle, John was given the chance to visit London and learn the English way of business. He had the pleasure of traveling with former governor, Thomas Pownall.John had his uncle’s fortune under his wing for support. In London, John was well-liked, but was too extravagant. His uncle wrote him a letter, scolding him. John, after reading the letter, wrote back “I am not remarkable