Journal Article Review

1539 words 7 pages
A Journal Article Review #1
Andrea Corza
Chamberlain College of Nursing
NR 305 Health Assessment
Professor Ava Farahany
January 14, 2011

Journal Article Review #1 “A guide to taking a patient’s history” is an article found in the December 2007 issue of the Nursing Standard which was written by, Hilary Lloyd and Stephen Craig. In this article Lloyd and Craig create an outline of sorts that can be followed in order to obtain a more thorough patient history. Throughout the article, Lloyd and Craig take us through this outline which includes topics such as preparation of the environment, use of communication skills and applying order and structure as a means of acquiring a comprehensive health history while also providing us with
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Patients may provide evasive answers to these questions but it is important to make the patient feel comfortable and always ask questions in a professional manner. Lloyd & Craig (2007) recognize that at times taking a sexual history can be tough and may not always be appropriate. When appropriate, the topic can be brought up when inquiring about the genitourinary system. Occupational history while seems unimportant can give important clues regarding access to healthcare, occupationally related health problems and also the financial stability of the home. Last but not least is the systemic enquiry. All the body systems that are not in the present complaint are reviewed. The authors suggest (2007) that if any positive assessments are found we are to investigate them in the same process as the presenting complaint. The research discussed in this article is geared towards the adult patient. Patients who can consent and provide a history however Lloyd & Craig do make mention of contacting a family member or friend with the patients permission if for any reason the patient is unable to provide a clear history themselves.
Evaluation of Article This is a very interesting article. After reading this article I gained a clearer understanding of what was needed from the nurse or interviewer in order to collect a thorough patient history. The article was well


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