Lean Six Sigma Reference Material
Customer Manufacturer Service provider General public all of above
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION 2 BPR stands for
Business Process Restructuring Business Process Redefining Business Process Reengineering all of the above none of the above
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION 3 Six Sigma relates to
Radical redesign align, improve and maintain remove waste all of the above none of the above …show more content…
Discrete Continuous Ordinal Nominal none of the above
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION 21 Select type of Probability sampling
Simple random sampling Stratified random sampling Systematic sampling Cluster sampling all of the above
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION 22 A sample that will lead to incorrect conclusions about the population and which will not be representative of the population is
Clustered Biased Random Stratified random none of the above
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION 23 ______is the square of standard deviation.
variance Coefficient of error Standard error Probability none of the above
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION 24 ______ test is performed on the data to understand its normality characteristics
Anderson-Darling normality test t- test f- test all of the above none of the above
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION 25 Short Term