Legal Studies Assess the effectiveness of the Criminal Justice System in dealing with young offenders.

1451 words 6 pages
Assess the effectiveness of the Criminal Justice System in dealing with young offenders.

There are a few common reasons for young people to be involved in crime. These include poor parental supervision, drug and alcohol abuse, neglect and abuse, homelessness, negative peer associations and difficulties in school and employment. The criminal justice system effectively deals with young offenders through unique techniques to address the challenges of dealing with juvenile offending. Even though young offenders commit a large percentage of crime, they also have the highest likelihood to be rehabilitated and change their lifestyles as they mature. There are several factors influencing crime by young offenders including psychological and
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Matters for children under the age of 18 are heard in the Children’s Court. This court has no jury, and hears any offence other than a serious indictable offence committed by a child. This court works under the Children’s (Criminal Proceedings) Act 1987 (NSW). In the children’s court, the matter will be heard without a jury, and only before a single magistrate. The Children’s court is a closed court in order to protect the identity of the child. Only parties to the proceedings are present, and reporters or family victims if the court allows. If a reporter is allowed into the court, there is a prohibition on the media publishing any child’s name unless the court authorises it or if the child is deceased. The court will give the child the fullest opportunity to be heard and participate. If a minor is required to attend the children’s court, they have a right to free legal representation without the necessity of undertaking a means or merit test. The Children’s Court assists with effective dealings with young offenders by providing a court aimed at rehabilitation as opposed to punishment.

Sentencing in the Children’s Court is undertaken differently to that in adults’ courts due to the understanding that children have the ability to be rehabilitated. Penalties imposed on children cannot be greater than that of an adult for the same offence. The hope that children can be rehabilitated is assisted with the


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