Managing Behaviour in a Learning Environment
Task 1 – The Context of Behaviour Issues
i. Describe and discuss the aspects of national legislation which have relevance to behaviour in the learning environment. (300 words)
There are a number of legislative acts that impact on the learning environment and cater for both learners and staff in any institution. The following Acts: Special Educational Needs and Disability Act (2001); Race Relations Act (1976) and Race Relations (Amendment) Act (2000); Racial and Religious Hatred Act (2006) and the Equality Act (2006) essentially set out that there should be no discrimination against any person on the grounds of race, sex, disability, sexual orientation, religion …show more content…
This can have further knock on effects due to policy regarding the withdrawal of learners, which is related to retention. SFA funding requirements state that if a learner on a course of more than 24 weeks duration does not attend a class for at least four continuous weeks, excluding holidays, they must be withdrawn (SFA, 2010: 36). This is unless there is evidence that the learner will return. The time limit varies according to the length of the course. Tutors have been made very aware that funding is related to success rate calculations, which factor in the number of students that start and finish a course. Learners may be withdrawn from a course within a given period of time without them being considered a start. Therefore it has been stressed that tutors need to be much more rigorous regarding both the attendance and whether learners will succeed in achieving qualification criteria. On the one hand this could be considered positive because it may reduce misbehaviour in class due to mismatch (Huxley, 2001). Learners are more likely to be placed at the level which is suitable for them. However, it could also be suggested that tutors will not take any risks with potentially ‘difficult’ students who will be transferred to classes that are not challenging enough for them – which may well result in behavioural issues too.
Task 2 – Case Study
Choose negative or disruptive behaviour which is demonstrated by an individual or a group in a