Meaningful Use
Implications and Recommendations
Sheena Eisen H. Adrados
Chamberlain College of Nursing
Meaningful Use for Nurses: Implications and Recommendations
Over the past decade, virtually every major industry invested heavily in computerization. The heath care industry was no exception to the rise in the use of technology. These technologies are starting to allow health care practitioners to offer faster, and more efficient patient care than ever before. No doubt this is the right direction we expect health care to follow.
Health information technology (HIT) is revolutionizing the way we interact with health-related data. One example of this is the obvious rise in …show more content…
The patient problem list compromises an essential part of the modern electronic medical record. Improved problem list documentation has been associated with higher quality of care and greater adherence to evidence-based guidelines (Wright, Feblowitz, Maloney, Henkin, & Bates, 2012). Another core criteria that bears a huge impact on nurses is the protection of EHR created or maintained by certified EHR technology through the implementation of appropriate technical capabilities. Confidentiality of the information confided by a patient to a healthcare provider has been a cornerstone of the trust relationship established between them for centuries, as expressed in the Hippocratic Oath in ancient Greece: “..All that may come to my knowledge in the exercise of my profession or in daily commerce with men, which ought not to be spread abroad, I will keep secret and will never reveal” (NLM, 2002). With the increased use and adoption of EHR systems, a vast amount g readily accessible patient data is available for use by clinicians, researchers, and operational purposes. As data becomes more accessible, patient confidentiality is a requirement and expectation that should not be overlooked or understated (Meystre, Frieden, South, Shen, & Samore, 2010). The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) protect the confidentiality of patient data. The government also created the HIPPA Security Rule to require specific protections