Mit Week 5
1. Why is the Stuxnet event considered to be historic?
Stuxnet has a taken the modern warfare into a …show more content…
In fact an Iranian double agent was behind planting the Stuxnet Virus to infect Iran's Natanz nuclear facility with a thumb drive. (Terdiman, D., 2012).
4. Why did Iran, and American commentators, not consider Stuxnet an act of war
Apart from the fact that one nation attacked the other using a computer software and breached its privacy, both the American and Iranian commentators were not fully aware of the proceedings until the facts were finally revealed after a couple of years after the occurrence. The Stuxnet has given analysts around the world with a flash of what a full-scale digital war may look like, with outcomes that add up to customary fighting. Numerous reporters have marked the Stuxnet assault on Iranian atomic rotators as the stuff of sci-fi transforming into reality and for a decent reason as well. Stuxnet exemplified the first occurrence of a digital assault really having a physical effect on basic framework; it was critical on the grounds that it is likely that Stuxnet set back Iran's claimed atomic weapons desire by a few years. (Markoff, J., Sanger, D. E., & Broad, W. J., 2011).
The most fascinating and, maybe, stressing part of the Stuxnet occasion is the way that the infection was not complex and the adverse measure of harm it created. The whole and sole reason the west conspired to