Modern History.Hsc.2012
25805 words
104 pages
Topic one – USA 1919-1941
Topic two – conflict in the pacific
Topic three – Douglas MacArthur
Topic Four – World War I
TOPIC ONE – USA 1919-1941
USA 1920’S * the radio age * felt like istory had turned a corner and never going back * stock market * black Thursday November 24 1929 * the jazz age * a speakeasyyyyyyy
How significant were the Republican policies in causing the great depression?
The significance of the republic policies were great, they brought a lot of growth in the 20’s allowing the market to strive over lots of trading and the purchase of shares, but was also an unstable market, as the government had no control over what it did and was left up to the …show more content…
The nature of industrialisation further changed in the 1930s as a result of the 1935 Wagner Act which permitted workers to form trade unions. By 1939, 22% of American workers belonged to a union; three times the number who had been union members in 1933. This changed the relationship between employer and employee, giving the employee more power to negotiate wages and conditions than had been the case in the 1920s.
The impact(s) of industrialisation in the 1930s
The economic impact industrialisation in the 1930s was significantly less than the impact of industrialisation of the 1920s. While some of the federal government initiatives were successful, for example the TVA, many of the federal initiatives failed in their efforts to ‘prime the pump’ of the economy. The American economy remained depressed through the 1930s, despite some small growth. Unemployment remained high, and economic growth remained depressed. (detail needed)
The social impacts of industrialisation in the 1930s were more marked. The federal initiatives in industrialisation provided many jobs to people who would otherwise have been unemployed. (examples needed).This was significant not just in terms of benefits to individuals, but also to the stability and security of America, which, it has been argued, showed much less tendency towards revolution than might have been expected.
Indded, some of FDR’s programs have