NT2670 Lab2
974 words
4 pages
Colton YoungNT2670
Professor Coke
Lab 2-1
1. Which computer is hosting the Administrator account that you specified in this authentication?
2. Which of the previous tasks could be completed using Server Manager instead of other consoles?
You can add roles and configure network settings.
3. Based on the information in the main Server Manager display, what roles are currently installed on the computer?
4. What features are currently installed on the computer?
5. What was the result of the installation?
Successful installation
Sorry I closed the box it wanted but this shows that I installed all the features successfully.
6. What happens to the wizard when you select the File Services checkbox?
Role …show more content…
15. What are the results now?
They both execute successfully.
16. What URL must you use in Internet Explorer to access the virtual directory you just created? http://www.contoso.com/links 17. What is the result?
Error 403 the directory browsing is not enabled on the server
18. Why does the Links folder not appear?
It appeared for me in the www page when directory browsing is enabled
Lab Review
1. In Exercise 2-2-2, you saw the two different types of error pages that IIS7 can generate. By default, the Web server displays detailed error pages in response to local requests and the simple error pages in response to remote requests. What is the main reason for providing less error information to remote users?
The main reason for providing less error information to remote users is to prevent potential security breaches that can be found in detailed messages.
2. In Exercise 2-2-3, you created two CNAME resource records in your domain using the DNS Manager console. Why was it necessary to create these records? It was necessary to create resource records registering two different names for the Web server so that IIS could differentiate between the incoming requests intended for the two Websites you created.
3. In Exercise 2-2-3, why did you create CNAME resource records instead of standard Host (A) records in the DNS?
By creating CNAME records and equating the alternative names with the servers original FQDN (server99.contoso.com), the aliases remain