Negative Effects of Music on the Mind
Well, even though intelligent people, who understand things clearly and logically, may smile on me and say: “Who cares what one of these idiots is singing?”, there are people, especially teenagers with psychological issues, like uncertainty about future and not believing in themselves, may hurt or kill themselves under pressure of stress doubled with support of their idol’s lyrics. Performers mesmerize kids to go and insult, beat up, or kill. There are no moral barriers for modern youth any more: if violence is what they need to get through teens will do what ever it takes with no doubt especially if they supported with favorite singers’ lyrics.
And finally since most of musicians are public people, their lifestyle and performance on stage become a big issue in developing children’s morals too. I’m sure you have noticed how hip-hop musicians are dressed on their concerts: not any different from what they wear on the streets. And the shocking detail of their appearance is pulled down jeans so thousands of viewers can see their underwear. It is hard to get the idea of wearing pants this way, but even if it is just the way of acting against socially accepted standards and rules, the remaining issue is that