Ph Levels Lab Report
Flavored Water, and Seltzer Water.
This experiment was performed to investigate the following hypothesis: The following four different types of drinking water (spring water, seltzer water, tap water, and flavored water) we test will relatively have the same pH level.
Our group decided to test different types of drinking water to see if a pH level of tap water is comparable to other types of water. Many people believe that city water has many chemicals, causing us to form the expirement to see how close the different types of drinking water’s pH levels are.
Materials and Methods
For the first part of our exiperiment we used the Red Cabbage Indicator. Red …show more content…
Table 2 also shows the accuaracy of the red cabbage indicator because the numbers are very close to the actual pH number. Last, the results show that out of all of the different types of water, the fruit flavored water is the most acidic.
Our hypothesis that the four different types of dirnking waters would have a close pH level, and if any, the flavored water would be a bit more acidicy was proven true through our expirement. All of the pH levels were within two pH numbers of each other, and the fruit flavored water was slightly more acidicy then the rest of the water.
One way to extend our experiment is do many different types of the water. For an example we used tap water from Worcester Ma. We could use tap water from different towns and cities. Also with the spring, flavored, and seltzer water we could try different brands and test to see if that would make a difference in our results.
Literature Cited
(Dickey. Jane Custom Lab Manual,