Physical Therapist Assistant
You have to think positive and do what you were trained to do. The education you get is highly important. You must complete high school. You could start your career as a Physical Therapist Aide that provides on-the-job training and does not require a degree or license. However, you must attend a college that offers a physical therapy assistant program, and get your Associate’s degree to become a Physical Therapist Assistant. An example would be Keiser University. At the college of your choice, it would help to study biology, chemistry, physics, health, and social science. While attending college, try to volunteer with a physical therapist at a local nursing home, clinic, or hospital. Requirements vary from state to state, however in Florida, it’s required to have a license to work as a physical therapy assistant. In addition, Florida also requires passage of a state examination—Florida State Board exam, the NPTE, National Physical Therapy Exam. A cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and first aid class are also required, not to mention completion of a minimum number of field work hours. Anatomy and physiology is one major that would be appropriate for someone who wants to become a physical therapist assistant. Anatomy involves the study of the structure of the body, including the naming of the parts of the body, and the consideration of how they physically relate to each other. Physiology is the study of the human function of the