Psychological Disorder Analysis

1526 words 7 pages
Psychological Disorder Analysis
March 20, 2011

Psychological Disorder Analysis

Marla is a 42-year-old Hispanic female who comes to the mental health clinic complaining of having trouble sleeping, feeling "jumpy all of the time," and experiencing an inability to concentrate. These symptoms are causing problems for her at work, where she is an accountant (Axia College). In order to determine Marla condition a clinical interview must be conducted so more information in regards to Marla’s past life and present life can be obtained.

Clinical Interview:
Clinician: “Hello Marla what brings you to my office today?”
Marla: “I am not sure I know there is something wrong with me but I don’t understand what or why? I just know
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So I just stayed more busy and eventually it went away. I don’t know the feeling comes and goes but it just hasn’t ever lasted this long it has been almost a year.”
Clinician: “So when you don’t have this “feeling” like you stated you feel happy with your situation, choices, and life?”
Marla: “ Happy? I think for the most part I have been satisfied!”
Clinician: “Marla today was all about you and you did a great job.”

Full personality profile: Marla is a 42-year-old Hispanic female who comes to the mental health clinic complaining of having trouble sleeping, feeling "jumpy all of the time," and experiencing an inability to concentrate. These symptoms are causing problems for her at work, where she is an accountant. Marla grew up with no siblings and a father who was constantly working. Marla’s description of her mother suggests that there may have been some type of depression going on with her. High School seemed to be normal as she talks about being a “social butterfly.” However things seemed to change as she reached early adult hood. Marla began to keep to herself not making any fiends. Lack of social interaction lead to Marla’s overeating, which explains her physical appearance today. Marla has been doing the same job for over 20 years and has yet to receive a promotion but still seems to want to stay there. No husband no kids and no mention of


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