Psychology Paper Parenting Styles
Teenagers can partake in unhealthy habits such as substance abuse, becoming promiscuous, or engaging in activities outside of the room to stay away. Teenagers of permissive parents normally rebel in similar ways but have different reasoning. With permissive parents, no boundaries are set and the adolescent has total freedom to do as he or she chooses. These adolescents are normally aggressive as well, especially if parents “cave in” to the aggressiveness to avoid confrontation. When I was an adolescent, I was raised by my father since my mother did not play an active role in my life. I would classify my father’s style of parenting as authoritative. Sure, my father had his days when the other styles were apparent but for the most part he was consistent. There was plenty of love and nurture along with clear boundaries set. My father listened and sympathized with me, providing guidance as I grew older. My father’s techniques were very effective although it took a while to set in along with my character. It is because of my father, I strive to better myself every day. Discipline plays a huge role in shaping a child’s personality and behavior. In the future, I plan on taking the authoritative approach with my child. I want my child to be involved and able to make their own decisions. I plan on giving responsibilities that is age appropriate. When my child misbehaves, I will not resort to physical and verbal