Re: Nrs 437 Embryo Harvesting , Part Ii
1279 words
6 pages
Embryo Harvesting & Freezing/Genetic Manipulation, Part II We are living in a new era where technology can help women have babies in unconventional ways. Having children is a personal choice. In some people’s view, government should not be regulating when people should and should not start having a family. The ethical issue is when the parents start applying for governmental benefits after the baby is conceived via In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and born posthumously. When practicing IVF, are we violating God’s will? This paper is to discuss the views of the four candidates interviewed in relation to posthumous conception and delivery, their views on benefits/inheritance entitlement to these babies, and ethical principles and theories in
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She was opposed to the thought of science manipulating and harvesting for conception. Her faith and strong family values includes the love of father and mother. And the thought of us manipulating and imposing the child with only one parent was unbearable for her. Being raised in a Pentecostal upbringing she would not challenge God’s will. I did ask her if she were in a similar situation would she give one thought on science. Her immediate response was “no”. She was open to adoption. She believes that the gift of a child is sacred and should be no be taken for granted.
Out of the four candidates interviewed, one supports IVP as a personal freedom of choice without governmental influence and benefits should be given to posthumous babies. Another believes that people need to follow their religious belief and that government regulation should be in place to oversee these “unnatural” practices. The third person believes IVP to be used in certain cases where assistance is needed but not 18 months after the death of the father and adoption is an option. And the fourth interviewee believes that infertility is God’s will and science is wrong to challenge God’s will, having children is sacred and she is open to adoption.
Embryo harvesting and freezing/genetic manipulation has many legal, medical, and ethical complications (Ahluwalia & Arora, 2011). Ethic committees respect the autonomy of individuals’ choices for their