Reassessing and Revising Strategic Plans
1382 words
6 pages
Chapter 10Reassessing and Revising Strategies and Plans
The purpose of this chapter is to review implemented policies, strategies, plans, programs, or projects and to decide on a course of action that will ensure public value continues to be created.
The Strategy Change Cycle is not over once strategies and plans have been implemented. Ongoing strategic management ensure that strategies continue to create public value, and as a prelude to the next round of strategic planning.
Strategies cease to work for four main reasons:
1. A basic strategy may be good but have insufficient resources devoted to its implementation, and therefore insufficient progress is made toward resolving the strategic issue it was …show more content…
6. Goal or Benchmark Approach
It is designed to gain reasonable agreement on overarching goals or indicators towards which independent groups, units, or organizations might direct their energies. It is a much looser system than the integrated units of management approach and is generally applied at the community, regional, or state level.
Process Guidelines
The following guidelines should be kept in mind by leaders and managers as they review implemented strategies and ponder what to do about them:
General Guidelines:
1. Stay focus on what is important (organization’s mission, mandates, needs, and political problems).
2. Focus on signs or indicators of success and failure.
3. Review the issue framings used to guide strategy formulation in the first place (are they still accurate?)
4. Use existing review opportunities or creates new ones.
5. Create a review group.
6. Challenge institutional and organizational rules that favor undesirable inertia.
7. Remember that organizations have greater power than strategies (therefore it is more productive to change the strategies than the organization).
8. Finally, stay fresh. (build energy and enthusiasm and continue with good strategies
Strategy Maintenance Guidelines: 1. To maintain existing strategies, seek little change in current organizational arrangements.
2. To maintain or marginally modify existing strategies,