Reflection on Mentorship Practice
The aim of this assignment is to critically reflect on the experience of mentoring and assessing a student in clinical practice. For the purpose of this reflection the Gibbs reflective cycle (1988) will be used. The discussion of the role of the mentor and the effect it can have on the mentor/student relationship will be explored. In turn evaluating the learning environment and moving onto learning and teaching strategies used, reflecting on how they were applied to help the student. Lastly the evaluation of overall performance as a mentor. For the purpose of this work the student will be referred to as ‘A’ to maintain confidentiality and no other …show more content…
Honey and Mumford have undertaken an enormous amount of work on the type of activities through which different people learn best (Chambers et al 2000). It was identified that both of our learning styles were similar. According to Honey and Mumford (1992) there are four learning styles; Activists, reflectors, theorists and pragmatists. Using the questionnaire it revealed that both of our learning styles corresponded to reflector and pragmatist. This enabled a positive and empathic exchange of learning and teaching experiences between both student and mentor which enabled the mentor to adapt and utilise a variety of teaching techniques. However, if mentor and student were off differing learning styles material can be adapted to facilitate effective learning ( McNair, 2007). The Nursing and Midwifery Council (2006) has developed standards which indicate that mentors should try and achieve ‘best fit’ with the level and type of learners that they come across in practice.
When reflecting on my teaching, a theory which is relevant is the Gestalt theory. This theory maintains that learning takes place in small stages and links are made between these stages until the whole concept of understanding (Kohler, 1947). With regard to teaching with ‘A’, it also took place in stages; research, discussion, observation and practice. It was felt that adequate teaching of a subject would not have taken place if each aspect were not covered. It