Relationship Between Fertility Rates and Education Background in Women: Quantitative Analysis

1543 words 7 pages

It has come to our attention that in developed countries the birth rate has been decreasing with the years. This trend is however not limited to developed countries but is also present in emerging countries, like Mexico. One of the main reasons for this decline is said to be the postponement of marriage among young people. Obtaining a higher education could lead young women to remain unmarried in their twenties. Increasing possibilities to achieve a higher education and therefore working in an appealing job has become increasingly attractive to young women. This change in values also contributed to the increase in unmarried singles in their twenties. However, it is also possible that the influence of one’s family
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Y denotes the dependent variable and x is used for the independent variable.

To test for significance, hypotheses were formulated. When trying to link the level of education with the fertility rate, it was chosen to look into the number of high school graduates. Thus, the Null Hypothesis would be H0: ( = 0. This means that there is no significant relation between the level of education/number of high school graduates (x) and the number of children per mother (y). Thus, the Alternative Hypothesis is: Ha: ( ≠0. This signifies that there is a significant relation between x and y.

After having performed the simple regression method and having obtained the data, the results were described and explained.

To round the paper up, a conclusion was drawn up, where the research question was answered and predictions about the future were made.

Results Obtained

To test the research question whether the number of female high school graduates is negatively correlated with the fertility rate the simple regression method was performed.

The data for this analysis was taken from Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía and Index Mundi. Previously in this paper we focused on more recent data. For this study we also took more historical data into account.

|High school
