Running Head: Forever 21: Dealing with America’s fear of aging and death

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Running Head: Forever 21: Dealing with America’s fear of aging and death 1

Forever 21: Dealing with America’s fear of aging and death
Marcia L. Felder
Liberty University

Forever 21: Dealing with America’s fear of aging and death 2


The basis of fear of aging and death are partly due to how we view life. Everything about this life structure is based on a beginning and end. Nothing in this world will last forever except our souls, which we have an option of how and where we will spend eternity. However, getting back to the journey we call life, our bodies are constantly changing as are the times and seasons. I believe that the worldview of life has caused a great “fear” in
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The lives of all beings, after being born, must decay and die. Aging is just the decline of life and the decay of faculties; and death is the passing away, the termination of the time of life, the breakup of the aggregates and casting off of the body. Although, by nature, aging and death are really facts of life psychologically they often mean to the worldlings a of loss of hope, the frustration of all aspirations, a leap into a great darkness, assess the feelings of fear and anguish. In spite of the generation and loss inherent in aging and dying, old age can be turned into an opportunity for development, and death into that for a sublime attainment. At the least, one should live the good and worthwhile life of the old and had been dyed and confused or even die and enlightened death. A human’s life span is traditionally divided into three stages, the first, the middle Forever 21: Dealing with America’s fear of aging and dying: 5

and the last stage. Of course, with attention to what is good and right one should live a good life through all three stages of life, however, if through negligence, one fails to fulfill the good life in the first and middle stages of life, there is still room left for one to fulfill it in the last one, that is, in one’s old age. So many people spend the whole time of their early and middle years in the search of fame and fortune, in seeking after wealth and power, and


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