Signature Assignment Portrait Of An Early Learner
4631 words
19 pages
Portrait of an Early Childhood LearnerTrissy Coppens
Arizona State University
Foundations of Diversity, Human Development, and the Young Child
ECD 549
Larry Sidlik, Dr. Michael Roberts, Monique Davis
December 4, 2014
Portrait of an Early Childhood Learner
(MHC Early Childhood Solutions, n.d.)
Did you survive the “terrible two’s?” Well congratulations and welcome to the what lies ahead for you and your three year old child. The next few years are called the “magic years” because it seems like magic that your child is finally listening to you and for your child it is an opportunity for their imagination to run wild. As parents we have watched our children grow and develop in the areas of height and weight, remembered when they first …show more content…
Language also played a central role in mental develoment and was a mechanism for thinking. An example in my classroom would be when one of my students needed help putting a floor puzzle together. I verbally told her where to put the puzzle piece and showed her how it went to together. She was successful putting it together with my help but without it she wouldn’t have been able to accomplish the task. The last domain that we will discuss is the social-emotional and its’ developmental milestones. At this point children begin to move away from parallel play to group or interactive play where they cooperate and play with others. They will develop essential skills such as taking turns in games, shows interest in trying new things, shows a range of emotions, shows affection for others on his own, separates easily from mom and dad, and dresses and undresses self (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014). In contrast three year olds will be working on mastering playing with other children rather than by themselves, enjoying doing new things, cooperating with other children, and being more creative with make-believe. John Bowlby, a psychoanalyst believed that mental health and behavioral problems could be attributed to early childhood. His theory of attachment suggested that children come into the world biologically pre-programmed to form attachments with others, because it will help them