Single Sex Schools vs. Coed

1828 words 8 pages
Many people might say the single sex schools are ineffective, because girls and boys need to know how to communicate with the opposite sex. They should be enforced to help children reach their full dreams without the thought of humility standing in their way. School is a place where students get acquainted with the basics of the life, which further helps them to foster their proficiency level in different aspects of life required in this competitive world, and the most important part of school is not where students get time to socialize with each other. Although Co-ed schools are a first choice for most adolescents and their parents, Single sex schools are equally good. In single sex schools, students don't have to worry about sexual …show more content…

Even though a room is a room, it may distract someone’s learning and force them to not want to pay attention. When girls get a grasp of what she is learning she doesn't have to review things as much as a boy. When a girl is ready to move on and learn something new the boy is just getting the grasp of the last things being reviewed. Research shows girls brains are more advanced than boys. Girls are going to pay attention more than boys because girl’s brains want to get work done and they do not want any work to linger. Overall boys and girls do not learn the same way and that is going to cause problems on both sides. Therefore they should not place boys and girls in the same class room to learn the same things, many wont focus, or grasp what’s being taught.
There are many types of all girls school, one I took a little closer look at is the Maharishi all girls school. This all girl’s school has had 1.3% of all women awarded B.A degrees from graduating from an all girl’s school. All around the world today, females outnumber males in graduating college. I personally don't think this is a bad things, only because I like knowing that the sex I am can outnumber the males in getting work done, and overall succeeding In our congress today 1/3 of the females say they graduated from and all girls school. At the Maharish school, 270,000 students scored higher on standard tests
