Smoking Causes and Effects Essay
Smelling bad can affect social life and personal life. Smoking is never so good choice weather it is to look cool to showoff or lowering the stress. In conclusion I would like to say that smoking is like tasting death everyday gradually so therefore smoking should be abandoned for long living lives and helping others to quit. Government should run an educational anti smoking campaign where smokers can quit nicotine and avoid it for rest of their lives. One successful quitter can make thousands of other smokers quit with sharing the understandings of health consequences. As most common smokers do not feel they are at any more of a risk to get a heart attack or cancer when they smoke. Smoking is still the most important preventable cause of heart attack and cancer in the United States. Doctors should try to identify and educate their patients to the prospective health risks of smoking as much as possible to stop all of these preventable deaths. I am sure if smokers were not addicted they could be millions of quitters of smoking everyday. An alternative of smoking can be an electronic cigarette which is not harmful and can help people quit. Doctors should help their patient quit and advise them benefits of quitting. There are evergreen benefits of quitting nicotine. Quitting