The Life of John Wesley
With the conviction of ethics and the conviction of his faith, John Wesley would now begin his travels of reformation. It is said that “he traveled about four thousand five hundred miles every year, one year with another; which gave two hundred and twenty- five thousand miles… For fifty-two years or upwards, he generally delivered two, frequently three or four sermons in a day: but calculating at two sermons a day, and allowing... fifty for extraordinary occasions, the whole number during this period will be forty thousand five hundred and sixty.” [4] The incredible feats of his fifty two years of travel are phenomenal. It is hard to write and give justice too. Though summing up his preaching and travel is an impossible feat, this story can give a glimpse into just what his passion would have been like. The account is given by Peter, his carriage driver. They were at a small dinner and Peter was cleaning the inside of the carriage when he noticed, through the window, a servant whisper something in Wesley’s ear. He was reminding Wesley that he had promised to preach at a small parsonage that they were going to be late for. Wesley rushed out to the cart and instructed the carriage driver to drive through the small bay they were on to the other side. Peter drove the carriage through