The New York Times and Boston Scientific
Having information in one location could be a target for destruction or hacking by enemies.
2. Without employing effective change management processes, centralization can affect employee morale if employees are not able to adapt to the change.
3. Reduction of competition between divisions or companies that come together. This could mean that fewer alternatives will be available for customers.
4. There is the risk of losing the company’s data all at once when there is a natural disaster because information is centralized.
5. Shared services might not work for multinational companies because of differences in regulations or culture.
Boston Scientific was able to achieve the right mix of openness and security of data through the invention of Machine’s Goldfire software. As stated in the case, through this knowledge sharing ability made possible by using Goldfire, patent applications have increased compared to similar engineering groups that so not use the Goldfire tool.
Boston Scientific had to make some cultural changes to be able to achieve openness while maintaining security. It had to go from a culture of not sharing information to sharing with security. The company had to tear down barriers that prevented products developers from accessing the research that went in to its successful medical devices so as to create new products faster. Prior to developing Goldfire, product developers worked in silos with limited access to